Featured image via Vice

Fun and rules don't meet, we agree. You can't go all Monica Geller and lay down the laws and still expect people to have fun. But we have to accept that, as much as house parties can be super fun, for the hosts, they come with a pretty hefty price tag.

Here are five house party pains only hosts can relate to.

"I just cleaned this"

Before having people over (whether a group of 3 or 30), you must have done some cleaning in advance. At the end of the day, the place needs to look decent before the mass destruction of any house party. But when someone casually spills a drink on your couch or leaves the bathroom messy, you can't help but silently shouting, "I just cleaned this!" to yourself.

Use the ashtray

Dear smokers, ash doesn't go on the floor, nor in the bin. It goes in the ASH-TRAY! Can it be any more obvious?

Coasters are there for a reason

And this reason is to put your drinks on them. Your glass should not be placed on a mahogany coffee table and definitely not on the parquet floor!

If you feel sick, head home or to the bathroom

If you get to the point where you're super drunk, don't make a scene, don't make the neighbours call the police, and most importantly, don't throw up on other invitees.


Really, not here. Not now. Not under someone else's roof.


Check out this Complete Guide to the Ultimate Snack Bar.