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Egypt has taken a sharp turn in its care for living creatures, from having an ancient history of worshipping and idolising them to several cases of mistreatment. This comes as many see animals as a burden or even as dangerous, which causes them to neglect and subject them to the most horrifying forms of abuse. Although many Egyptians take great care of their pets, some aren’t the friendliest or most sensible when making decisions, especially about stray animals.

Continue reading to learn about the recent horrific cases of animal abuse in Egypt and why raising awareness on animal care is necessary.

Two Recent Tragic Incidents

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Not many people viewed this as a terrible deed, but a cop killed a poor puppy named Shalaby in Alexandria last week in broad daylight. The man who shot the dog didn’t give his life any thought and killed him, even though everyone in the neighbourhood knew him, cared for him, fed him, and occasionally played with him.

The shark caught after killing a Russian man in Hurghada was the second incident that occurred and went viral on social media. The fishermen had a problem getting it out of the water so they could perform an autopsy on the shark, but the problem didn’t end there; Egyptians considered the animal a monster despite several red flags leading up to the predator’s attack on the tourist in its home environment, where it is compelled to behave naturally. The men brutally tortured the poor animal and eventually beat it to death after getting it out of the water.

Why Awareness Is Necessary

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Many fail to recognise that animals are living beings that experience fear and pain and require care and caution when necessary. Learning about their well-being is crucial as numerous creatures across the country endure mistreatment in a variety of ways, from malnutrition and neglect to physical abuse and poison. With an abundance of strays and wildlife in Egypt, finding ways to provide them with more fulfilling lives or at least prevent their intended harm by humans is necessary.

Article 45 of the Egyptian Constitution stresses the importance of preventing animal cruelty. Additionally, in 2022, the Egyptian Parliament suggested the formation of a committee to address animal proliferation. Despite these efforts, little progress has been made, which is truly disheartening. Despite how horrific they were, we hope these recent incidents will encourage us to act and work towards a solution.