via filfan

If you're a Welad Rizk fan, then you'll love this announcement. Welad Rizk 3 was first announced in 2019 in the post-credit scene of Welad Rizk 2, where we got to see the new character "El Shayeb", played by the iconic Asser Yassin.

The Movie's Surprises:

The film will feature an all-star ensemble cast that includes Ahmed Ezz, Amr Youssef, Ahmed Dawood, Karim Qassem, Mohamed Mamdouh, and Ahmed El Fishawy. Also, this part is sure to be packed with other Egyptian mega stars and a couple of international stars announced by director Salah El Gehiny.

via youm7

We've been excited about Asser Yassin's role as El Shayeb since they revealed his character in the end credits of the 2019 movie Awdet Osood El Ard.

The budget is huge, according to director Salah El Gehiny, and it's primarily filmed in Saudi Arabia, which is why we can't wait to watch what they're hiding from us and see the big surprises in this movie.