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It’s not new that we see Yasmine Ezz say yet another thing we all cringe at when watching her on national television. Not only does the TV host make extremely misogynistic comments, but she has now surpassed that to do the thing we should’ve expected she’d do eventually: talk about someone’s private life in gross detail.


via E Online

Yasmine Ezz’s Freaky Fascination With Cristiano Ronaldo’s Wedding

After Portugal’s loss in the World Cup, TV show host Yasmine Ezz decided it was okay to talk about the private lives of professional football player Cristiano Ronaldo and his girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez. She discussed their personal lives most oddly on her show, with millions of people tuning in to watch. We still aren’t sure if she does this for the controversial fame, as the more people you frustrate, the more views you’re likely to gain. But we think she has gone too far in discussing this topic. 

Ezz talked about how the two are not wed and are not likely to marry soon for several opinionated reasons, one concerning their mothers! She then suggested that the two should either separate or tie the knot, hinting that Georgina is only after Ronaldo for his wealth. Despite our uncomfortableness, we couldn’t stop watching due to the shock that she could talk so freely about someone else’s life and personal decisions, especially those of a professional football player who should be highlighted for his skills rather than family matters and choices.

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The TV host did not stop there. She also mentioned Morocco’s goalkeeper, Yassine Bono, and his wife. She criticised the public for crushing on the footballer due to his married status and went on to clarify the love he has for his wife. Yet, she questioned why his wife had not posted a picture of the two on her Instagram and went on to speculate why that is. Again, another unnecessary thing to say – not to mention a complete invasion of privacy.