With Ramadan upon us, we all know three things are set to happen: We’ll be blessed with good food, great company in the form of family and friends, and the Ramadan TV season will give us more than we can handle. If you’ve caught a glimpse of the ads going around, then you already know the third thing has already begun!

But, if you’re this familiar with the Ramadan TV season, then you also know it’ll be impossible to watch all the shows, so you’ll need to filter down the shows that you absolutely need to watch. And this is where we come in with a list that will help you decide! What are you waiting for? Read up now.

El-Ekhteyar, Season 3

via E3lam

Not a surprising pick for our first choice, right? With an impressive cast featuring Karim Abdelaziz, Ahmed El-Sakka, Ahmed Ezz, Yasser Galal, and more (yes, there are still more delightful appearances here), El-Ekhteyar is set to blow our minds away for the third year in a row…and it is something you just can’t miss seeing. 


Rag’een Ya Hawa 

via Youm 7

Where do we begin here? Seriously, we just don’t know! Do we start with the fact that Rag’een Ya Hawa is led by the one and only Khaled El-Nabawy? Do we mention that the cast features Nour, Hana Shiha, Anoushka, and Nour El-Nabawy, as he stars alongside his father for the first time? There’s so much we can say, but we’ll stick to mentioning that the Knives Out parallels, both in the show’s poster and its trailer, are building a lot of expectations.

Faten Amal Harby

via Shahid Today 

Get ready to weep, scream, and (eventually) feel a catharsis so good it’ll make you wonder why you’ve ever doubted Egyptian TV—why? Because the indisputable queen of Ramadan melancholy, Nelly Karim, is back to her dramatic roots with Faten Amal Harby. Tackling the serious subject matter of complicated family dynamics and what exactly goes down in family court, this show will be the one thing Egyptians talk about for the entire month! 

Suits (in Arabic)

via Youm 7

Be honest with us: You’re counting down the days for this show, right? If you are, we honestly wouldn’t blame you because it’s not every day that we see a spectacular duo like Asser Yassin and Ahmed Dawood sharing a screen. Of course, the fact that they’ll be playing the parts of Harvey Specter and Mike Ross only adds to the hype. We just have one question, though—who will be this cast’s Meghan Markle? 

Gezeeret Ghomam

via Fil Fan

What’s an Egyptian Ramadan without at least one show about a gobsmacking Sa’eedi saga? Nonexistent, that’s what! And this only means that Gezeeret Ghomam should be on your radar because, as its trailer promised, it’ll give us tales of love, small-town politics, power struggles, and an El-Haqeeqa Wel Sarab reunion between Mai Ezz Eldin and Tarek Lotfy. What more can you ask for?

Meen ‘Al

via Shahid Today 

Of the shows that we can’t help but anticipate, Meen ‘Al is the one we have the highest hopes for. Mostly because of its cast, which consists almost entirely of young adults—something of first in Egypt, considering that all shows that centre around young adults are relegated to the off-Ramadan season! Starring Ahmed Dash, Amira Adeeb, and more fresh faces, this show will tackle problems faced by today’s young people. So get ready to weep and laugh at this relatable adventure!

Betloo’ El Rouh

via Al Ain 

We know, we know—you’ve seen that poster of Elham Shaheen and immediately wrote off the show, and we honestly can’t blame you for that. However, we will blame you for writing it off if you’ve seen the trailer because this show possesses a range of talents (including Menna Shalaby, Mohamed Hatem, and Ahmed El-Saadany) and an anxiety-inducing-yet-thrilling plot that you can’t miss watching. 

El-Kebeer Awi, Season 6

via YouTube

Now that this monster of a show is off-hiatus for its sixth season, we’ll say something we’ve held back on saying: We missed El-Kebeer so much, it’s unreal! Our excitement is amped by the show’s trailer, which features a lot of interesting plots, including an episode set to spoof Squid Game—we can only hope it doesn’t end with a faceoff between Johnny and El-Kebeer! 

Shoghl ‘Aly

via Masrawy

Alright, we’ll admit it. The only reason this show made our list is that we just can’t understand who thought of bringing Fifa Abdo and Shereen Reda together. However, we can’t thank them enough because the duo will surely inspire a million memes. Following a Fifi-crafted Keid El-Nesa formula, this show will be predictable, but it will also be hilarious.

Ahlam Sa’eeda

via E3lam

Missed seeing Youssra play an out-of-touch wealthy lady? If so, you’ll get your fill of her playing that role in Ahlam Sa’eeda, alongside Ghada Adel (yes, that Ghada Adel), Mai Kassab, and Shaymaa Seif. And, surprisingly enough, Youssra broke her golden rule of naming the show after her character’s name because her name is not Ahlam!