via Cheeky Chums

A nursery is where children are meant to feel safe and learn new things about life, but at Cradle 2 Crayon nursery in Alexandria, many kids knew nothing but fear and pain. With a heavy heart, we report the inhumane stories regarding children being physically and mentally tortured at this repulsive site. And we can’t imagine what the children and their parents are going through following its media outage. If you haven’t heard of the incident, here is the story of the monstrous Cradle 2 Crayon nursery and the ongoing investigations.


via El-Osboa

The Ongoing Story

Many screenshots and audio recordings depicting abuse by nursery teachers were recently leaked on the internet. They gave us a brief look at what was happening inside this hell of a so-called nursery. The pictures and voice notes showcased proof of the brutal torture of children, such as preventing them from eating for weeks to physically beating them up for trivial reasons like not asking to go to the toilet.

Many parents were unaware of what was happening inside the nursery, as kids were too scared to speak up. And when some kids did go home with bruises on their bodies and told their parents the horrific tales, the nursery was uncooperative and claimed that their cameras weren’t working.

via AlMasry AlYoum

Parents then took legal action against the private nursery, leading to a four-days investigation and arrest of the nursery director. A further shock factor regarding this horrific situation was the reveal by the Directorate of Social Solidarity in Alexandria that the nursery did not have a permit from the Ministry of Social Solidarity and is not even licensed as a nursery! It is a shame that such an institution would take terrible advantage of their positions in power, and we only hope the legal system will clamp down on them hard and bring justice to these families and children.