Via Den of Geek

If you have managed to watch Money Heist’s volume 2 of season 5 in the past few days, then you’re in
the right place! We would like to pay our respects to this masterpiece and share with everyone what we
liked and disliked about the finale.

La Casa de Papel is one of the most-watched series on Netflix, and it has finally come to an end four
years after its first episode. The series is considered a global phenomenon as it covers two elaborate
heists and deep heartfelt connections between the members of the iconic Salvador Dalí gang.


Our favourite criminal mastermind, the Professor, has always had a way out of almost every stumbling
block they faced throughout the entire series. In other words, the heists are incredibly well-planned and
are carried out flawlessly by the gang.

Via Meaww

Here is a quick recap on the last three seasons:
*Spoiler Alert*
The second heist was mainly planned by Berlin, the Professor’s brother. It was put into action when Rio
was held captive and tortured by members of Spain’s homeland security. This heist was definitely slow-
paced as it was performed in almost three seasons. We can’t deny that we enjoyed their journey and
rooted for them several times, but the ending may have left some of us with mixed feelings.

Via Meaww

The finale of volume one overwhelmed us with different emotions, especially when it comes to Tokyo’s
death scene. Her heroic sacrifice left the gang and us in shock and tears. We think that the ending this
well-written character got was one of the season’s brilliant choices.

This scene led us to Volume 2’s first episode, which included many sorrowful and nostalgic
moments—something we highly appreciated. On the other hand, throughout the series, there were
some flashbacks of the gang and Berlin’s personal life that we thought were unnecessary and somehow
forced into the story.

Via Daily Express

The writers exerted a great effort to change our notion of goodness by showing us how merciful and
warm-hearted the gang members were in many situations. This makes you wonder if they are actually
good people and deserve this happy ending coming their way or not.

As for the last episode, it kept us on the edge of our seats, eagerly waiting to see the gang’s fate.
However, we think it’s illogical for them to have this perfect ending. It doesn’t really make sense that
they keep 100% of the gold and have their freedom with peaceful acceptance from the Police, with no
sacrifices in return.

Via Netflix Junkie

These are just our thoughts, though. Tell us what do you think of the finale! Do you think the gang
deserve a happy ending?