Remember Saeed Saleh? The comedian we all fell in love with and repeated his jokes and catchphrases all the time because they’re just so damn good. Well, that true talent was born today, back in 1938.

He did pass away in 2014, but he left a legacy behind. His portfolio boasts more than 500 movies and over 300 plays. Saleh was a valuable talent, an underrated one as well if you believe it. This guy was a comedy genius, and in celebration of this special day, we decided to share his most iconic works with you.

Madraset El Moshaghbeen

The controversial play that later became an Egyptian icon in the world of theatre. It was hilarious and made us laugh our heads off. It follows the story of high school students who were naughty to the extent that they lost hope in ever graduating – until a new teacher comes and turns everything upside down.

Salam Ya Sahby

Two friends who manipulate people and steal from them to become rich? Sounds interesting. Their life changes completely when they meet the master in the field, The King.

El Halfout

It follows the story of how poverty affects people’s lives. A man, played by Adel Emam, gets married just to satisfy his sexual desires, and his work life goes down the drain as he almost never leaves home. His life and, his best friend Desoky’s (played by Saeed Saleh), is about to change as they meet Morsy. Morsy is a hitman and wants to kill someone for his boss, Asran. But what will happen next?


Saeed Saleh wants to marry the princess, but she will only say yes if he knows where does the human brain lie? He seeks the answer and travels to many places in his quest for an answer.

El E’yal Kebret

Another outstanding play, and one that is still aired every Eid to this day; it never gets old. Saeed Saleh plays a son among four children who all want to convince their father not to abandon their mother for another woman, but in the funniest ways ever.

A’la Bab Wazeer

Adel Emam plays the role of a medical student who loves a woman that’s so out of his league; the usual she’s rich and he’s poor kind of plot. The girl’s father wants to keep him away from his daughter, so he imprisons his father. However, his favourite partner, played by Saeed Saleh, decides to help his best friend. How will they both face this injustice?