All of a sudden, a show with a gripping story has emerged on Amazon Prime! With little fanfare, it quickly became the talk of the town as viewers got hooked on the twists and turns Ela El Tala2's couple got themselves into.

In this review, we dive into the depths of this R-rated show, exploring its sudden resurgence, shocking plot twists, questionable character dynamics, and thought-provoking commentary:


Sudden Release

The arrival of Ela El Tala2 onto the streaming platform was highly unexpected, catching all viewers off guard. With no prior promotions or announcements from the cast and crew, social media platforms buzzed with ridicule, questioning if the creators themselves were unaware of the show's premiere!


Thrilling Plot

Spanning just ten episodes, it follows Yara, a chemistry teacher at an international school whose marriage to Seif reveals a web of lies, infidelity, and secrets. She finds out the truth in the worst of ways, leading to the stakes escalating and pushing her and her family into a spiral of unfortunate events. As events unfold, the couple does all the undoable acts except for, well, you know, getting a divorce!


Household Leads

Three of Ramadan 2024's most celebrated stars lead the show, each delivering powerhouse performances. Eyad Nassar, renowned for his portrayal of complex characters, sinks his teeth into the role of Seif, a husband flooded with betrayal. As Yara, Dina El Sherbiny sheds Kamel El 3adad's wholesome image to embody the conflicted accomplice wife! On the other hand, Salma Abu Deif shines brightly in her portrayal of Habiba, which is a brief but impactful role.


Talented Supporting Cast

Surrounding the main cast are seasoned veterans such as Safaa El Toukhy and Hamza El Alaily. Yet, it's the emerging talents and budding stars like Bedoun Sabeq Enzari's Gehad Hossam Eldin, Wara2 El Tout's Mohamed Nasser, and Seeb Wana Aseeb's Youssef Rafaat who added a fresh vibrancy to the ensemble.


Writing That Strikes a Chord

The script, crafted by Mariam Naoum's talented writers, is a masterclass in emotionally resonant storytelling. They fearlessly tackled societal issues that resonate with both genders, shedding light on topics ranging from age-gap relationships to domestic abuse. Through its characters' journeys, the series confronts prejudices, discrimination, and the complexities of modern relationships. 


Directorial Debut

Director Mohamed Baraka makes his mark on television with Ela El Tala2, following his last movie, Godran, released in 2022 to mixed reviews. While showcasing promise, his directorial prowess is perhaps the weakest link in an otherwise exciting production.