The recently released Deebo, starring Mohamed Anwar, combines comedy and horror. The show attempts to ride the wave of the successful horror-comedy genre that was preceded by shows like El Beit Beity. Since the airing of its first episodes on Yango Play, Deebo has managed to grab attention with its quirky premise.

The series stars an ensemble cast, including Sarah El-Shamy, Rushdi El-Shami, Mohamed Mahmoud, and child star Rima Mustafa, who adds a youthful dynamic. With that said, let’s break down the key aspects of the show so far:


Premise and Plot

The show centres on Deebo, a 30-year-old man-child who’s entirely dependent on his father for financial support. His father, tired of Deebo’s laziness, forces him to get a job at a hotel. Deebo, thinking it’s just an ordinary hotel gig, quickly realises the place is not what it seems. The hotel is actually a sanctuary for animals; to his horror, it’s also haunted.


Guest Appearances

The first two episodes unravel various mysteries, introducing new characters and situations hinting at deeper secrets behind the haunted hotel. A notable feature of Deebo is its inclusion of various guest stars, such as Zeina, Mustafa Gharib, and Akram Hosny. Zeina’s role as an accidental kidnapping victim adds a humorous layer to the plot. At the same time, Mustafa Gharib’s appearance gives the show a comedic character whose screen time is unfortunately short-lived.


Weak Points

Directed by Ahmed Abdel Wahab and written by Ehab Blaibel, Deebo’s production quality is decent, with the hotel setting appropriately spooky but lacking the visual creativity to make it stand out as a memorable backdrop for a horror-comedy. However, the main criticism lies in its uneven balance between comedy and horror. While the horror aspects, such as the haunted hotel and supernatural occurrences, are well-handled, the comedy falls a little flat. This is problematic for a series marketed as a comedy-horror, where the comedy should serve as a counterbalance to the eerie atmosphere.


Room for Growth

Deebo has certainly succeeded in building a sense of intrigue, with its mysterious plot and horror elements hooking viewers early on. However, the blend of horror and comedy, though promising in concept, hasn’t yet hit the right notes. If the show pumps up its comedy in future episodes and offers fresher, more original jokes, it has the potential to win over the broader audience it seeks.