Dawa3y El Safar, the latest original series from Watch It, has captivated audiences with its storytelling and compelling performances. The show's debut episode begins with Amir Eid's character reminiscing about his late father during childhood. The story quickly takes a dark turn as we witness Amir, on his birthday, preparing to end his life due to severe depression. 

However, his plans are interrupted when he discovers his neighbour, Captain Ibrahim, collapsed on the floor with a phone in hand. He then rushes Ibrahim to the hospital, where a doctor reveals that Ibrahim has suffered a heart attack and has a weak heart muscle, leaving him with limited time.


Dawa3y El Safar

The show will run for five consecutive weeks. It is structured to have 10 episodes, with two episodes released every Wednesday. The ensemble cast includes notable actors such as Amir Eid, Kamel El-Basha, Nadine, Ahmed Ghozzi, Jala Hisham, and Donia Wael. 


Creative Team

Dawa3y Safar marks the third collaboration between Amir Eid and screenwriter Mohamed Nair, following their successful work on the hit show Rivo. This series is particularly significant as it represents Mohamed Nair's directorial debut. Known for his acclaimed writing, Nair has ventured into directing, bringing a unique vision to the show.


Watch It's Originals

The show is one of Watch It's original productions, adding to its growing portfolio of exclusive series. This follows the platform's previous success with Ramadan 2024's Lahzet Ghadab and hit show Balto, which introduced us to Essam Omar, the abovementioned Rivo, and Taha Desouky's Hala Khasa. One thing in common with all these shows is that they are led by youth and are all out-of-the-box ideas.


Journey of Healing

In the first episodes, Ali, struggling with depression after his father's death and a suicide attempt, finds solace in helping his neighbour, Captain Ibrahim. The latter, who initially finds himself alone and deceiving his daughter Salma about his condition, is grateful for Ali's company.

The show portrays the touching journey of Ali and Ibrahim as they support each other through their respective struggles. Ibrahim, suffering from loneliness and a weak heart, and Ali, dealing with his depression, begin to bond over shared meals and conversations. This burgeoning friendship helps them cope with their pain and find companionship in each other's company.