Zamalek El Zebala
26 September 2012

Once upon a time existed an island, it was called el Gezira, it was a place of great statue... it was split into two parts: one called gezira, and the other Zamalek. Gezira hosted the golf course, clubs etc. Zamalek the residence.. then it became the hot spot of cairo and slowly as everything in Egypt it started degrading.
which was even more apparent in the past ten years. Yes it was the watering hole for all of us drinker. It had a few cafes, but OMG LATELY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED !!!!!!!
A MILLION CAFEs, and by the way.. here is a little note MORE THAN HALF OF THESE venue operate without a license i.e. they are illegal. There is a reason why the "7ay" حي, doesnt give licenses and it is to avoid over crowding. 26 July street went from a two lane street to becoming a one lane side road. The place where Hardee is went from a decent junction, to the hang out of all the bee2a kids. Yes bee2a blasting their armin van burin out of their Lada's. Its like as if you are in a naadi. Om Kalthoum Square, went from a huge street, to a tiny two lane street half filled with parked people, other half filled with people smoking shisha.
Zamalek is no longer happening !!! Zamalek has became a zebala.
i am also disappointed in all the new business owners. Only a few business owners have a since of a community, and by few i mean 1 or 2. The owners till now each work independitently. no one does anything to help zamalek as a community. No body tries to solve the traffic issues that they caused by moving here. No body cares about the zebala (garabage) on the street they put there.
I wish one day that all these new young owners, would get together form a "Zamalek Council" where they would each give back to helping the community. I know its difficult because the 7ay ( حي )causes some issues. But i just wish they would actually all just meet and help give back to our Island.