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Egypt boasts a treasure trove of gems in the realm of skincare—local brands that are revolutionising the beauty world with their innovative formulas and commitment to quality. These Egyptian skincare brands are gaining recognition for their effectiveness, authenticity, and dedication to harnessing the power of natural ingredients. Get ready to discover the secrets of radiant skin with these must-have brands!


Godly Pride

With a name that exudes confidence, Godly Pride is a rising star in the Egyptian skincare scene. Their hydrating facial mists are to die for, and their rejuvenating face masks, infused with potent botanical extracts and nourishing oils, promote healthy, glowing skin that will keep you radiant all day long.



Kolagra is all about purity and simplicity, offering gentle yet effective skincare solutions. Founded on the principles of clean beauty, this brand sources only the finest natural ingredients, free from harsh chemicals and additives. With its curated collection of skincare essentials, Kolagra has you covered.


Rhea Beauty

Rhea Beauty empowers individuals to embrace natural beauty and unleash their inner goddess. Inspired by the mythological figure of Rhea, this brand celebrates strength, femininity, and resilience through its range of skincare and beauty products that will leave you feeling pampered from head to toe.



Laque is all about luxury and sophistication, offering a range of indulgent skincare products that epitomise elegance and refinement. From their facial oils to their decadent body creams, Laque invites you to indulge in a moment of self-care and embrace the beauty of your skin.



Favelin is a beacon of hope for those seeking ethical and effective skincare solutions. Each product is carefully formulated to deliver visible results. Whether you're searching for a gentle cleanser, a hydrating moisturiser, or a rejuvenating serum, Favelin offers skincare that nourishes the skin and nurtures the soul.



Shaan is redefining beauty standards with its inclusive approach to skincare. It celebrates diversity and individuality, offering products that cater to a wide range of skin types, tones, and concerns. Shaan invites you to embrace your unique beauty and shine brightly from within.