Via El-Mostaqbal

Recently, the saddening incident of Ismailia man, Hesham Zakarya, passing away due to his reaction of shock towards the kids who, jokingly, threw water balloons at him out of nowhere saddened us all. Of course, we all know kids take it way too far with their pranks sometimes, but the fact that it actually led to someone dying is too much.

It’s heartbreaking to lose such a young soul due to the lack of awareness children have nowadays. The young culprits now face a prison sentence, but we would still like to spread awareness of the effect pranksters’ content has on our children and stop whatever damage can be prevented.

Why do kids like to play pranks?

It’s the nature of kids to pull pranks on adults, sometimes for a sense of power and sometimes to get a strong reaction out of people. And we get that. However, the level of pranks has been getting insanely high, which probably has something to do with all the prank shows on TV and social media platforms and how disturbing they’ve got! No matter how mature they are, kids, unlike adults, don’t have a sense of consequences. They don’t know it when they’re taking it too far. For them, every prank they pull is just a ‘funny game’.

Via Own the Yard

For parents and relatives: What to do when kids exceed the limit with their pranks?

As simple as this sounds, parents need to have a conversation with their kids to teach them when it’s OK to play jokes and pranks and when it’s not. This is important for the safety of children as well because strangers might react differently from the people at home. Can you imagine how ugly it can get if a kid pulls a prank on someone who might retaliate? Or, how horrible would it be if a joke takes a physical toll on a stranger with a medical history that the kid doesn’t know about? So, how about we avoid all this mess by teaching boundaries to kids?

Isn’t it time for extreme prank shows to stop?

We think with the incident that happened, it’s time for extreme pranksters and their content to end. It was never funny to terrify a human being just to get a laugh! It’s unhealthy and, more importantly, it’s considered emotional blackmail, and we all know a certain celebrity prankster who feeds on that every Ramadan.

Via El-Nagah El-Ekhbary