Consider the below a simplified map of what is going down in Egypt by city till now 9:30 PM
- Alexandria, Black Block takes control of east alexandria municipality, with putting a banner alexandria is a free city. Also city wide protest while blocking the main courniche street
- Cairo , Military storage burnt, all of the down town up in flames. American University burnt. Fire in yousef el guindy st. , Kasr el Ainy st. , and Kasr el nil bridge, also the courniche infront of Samirimis hotel fights erupt. Of course constant tear gas fired at the protestors
Suez, last night 10 died, during anti morsi protests, today a jail has been broken into , and the police has withdrew and now army in control
Ismailia, city wide protests and also army control.
Port Said: 30 Dead // 300 injured, the whole city on fire, shops closed early, due to them being ransacked
Mansoura: Black Bloc attempt to storm Mansoura government building
Domiat: متظاهرو دمياط يعلنون سيطرتهم على مجمع المصالح
- Sohag, Black Bloc surrounds the city council building ... البلاك بلوك" يحاصرون مبنى محافظة سوهاج