Via Masar News

The year is finally ending, and boy, it was tough! But if there is something we all agree on, it is that the memes were HILARIOUS. That said, we would like to share some of our favourite memes of the year with you. We won’t stop there either—we’re going the extra mile and ranking them too!

10- Perfecto!

Via Asa7be Sarcasm Society's Facebook

We’ve seen this “Perfecto” Hedgehog meme so many times lately that we’re almost sick of it. It came out of nowhere, and we have no idea what its background story is! It wasn’t the best this year offered, but let us take a moment to have a good laugh and really remember the times this meme dominated the internet.

9- Nasl Al-A’arab

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

Every Ramadan, there comes a TV series that is so blatantly dramatic yet simultaneously hilarious. This year’s unintentionally funny series was “Nasl Al-Aghrab”, starring Egyptian action men Ahmed El Sakka and Amir Karara. Sure, the showrunner was trying to provide us with an epic dramatic piece, but instead gave us too many laughs and 30 episodes worth of memes!

8- EverGreen

Via The Bark Media's Facebook

It might have slipped out our minds, but we’re sure that everyone vaguely remembers the circumstances with the EverGreen ship as it tried to navigate the Suez Canal a few months ago. The situation was very worrisome, but we’re not going to lie; it was also lowkey funny. The memes made it even funnier, and we STILL don’t know how to feel about this globally-watched embarrassment!

7- Spider-man

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

Yeah, we know. This border-crossing meme isn’t exactly new, but it came back with a vengeance to dominate our timelines this year. Now here’s a fun fact: that meme actually came from the 1967’s Spider-man cartoon where the villains were imitating Spider-man, and, trust us, this “double identity” episode was just as funny as its memes are!

6- The on-the-phone Monkey

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

Just like our “Perfecto Hedgehog”, we have no idea where this meme came from, but it has provided us with good laughs this year! Egyptians tend to use it to poke fun at our own weird phone calls, and there are COUNTLESS ideas for that.

5- The Office

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

This iconic mockumentary-like sitcom is an international treasure when it comes to memes! We can’t deny that we love Michael Scott’s INTENSE reactions and his team’s insanely dull life, and neither can any of you, since memes from The Office are everywhere on social media—and, yes, you’d be right to assume they’re a daily dose of bliss for us!

4- ‘Aiza Atgawez

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

Our classically well-crafted sitcom “Aiza Atgawez” has many, many episodes that were insanely funny! One of our favourites is the one in which Ahmed El-Sakka guest stars when his high-pitched dialogues with Hend Sabri cracked us up. This year, much to our amusement, we keep seeing many memes of this episode and, honestly, we have no regrets about our laughs!

3- Tamer Hosny

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

Our humble singer and actor Tamer Hosny always make a space for himself in every year’s memes! With his movies having many scenes that just kill us with their comedy and his softie music and performances, we cannot help but let a few chuckles out. Who didn’t love Omar Wa Salma back when it was released?

2- Breaking Bad

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

Everyone loves Breaking Bad, and with its reputation for being a dramatic masterpiece that lasted for five years, it’s not hard to see why. We can’t deny that we enjoyed every sorrowful moment in this series, yet our Egyptian memes are becoming our guilty pleasure this year! Who would have imagined that Walter White, the infamous drug lord, would become our favourite comic?

1- Adel Emam

Via Egyptian Screenshots' Facebook

Our all-time favourite comedy legend, Adel Emam, has provided us with great laughs throughout his entire career, and he keeps giving us great comedy content! It’s not hard to see why, with his various priceless facial expressions that are an absolute gold mine when it comes to meme materials!