As we wind down Ramadan, and breath a collective sigh of relief, we can't help but look back at what has been a colourful and eventful month with rose-tinted glasses. Yes, the relentless hustle and bustle of Cairo isn't the most conducive environment to foster the humility, self-reflection and general zen that Ramadan demands, but as these photos show, there's an intangible magic about the whole affair in Egypt and across the Middle East...
1) Palestine
A young Palestinian plays with firecrackers to celebrate the beginning of Ramadan. Photo by Wissam Nassar (@wissamgaza)on Instagram.
2) Bahrain
Young boys studying in a mosque in Sanabes, Bahrain. Photo by Isa Ebrahim (@isaebrahim) on Instagram.
3) Algeria
Prayer goes leave a local mosque after evening prayers in Algiers, Algeria. Photo by @theKarimPhoto on Instagram.
4) UAE
A man cuts fruit in preparation for fetar in Dubai. Photo by Francis Karl dela Pena @mactuscraig on Instagram.
5) Libya
Migrants pray in the middle of the Libyan desert on their way to the Mediteranean coast. Photo by Nicole Tung (@nicoletung) on Instagram.
6) Saudi Arabia
Table of mercy at a mosque in Rimah, Saudi Arabia. Photo by @irashed on Instagram.
7) Egypt
A group of men praying the Maghreb prayer on a Nile Felucca in Cairo. Photo by Ahmed Wafaey (@wafaey_a) on Instagram.
8) Iraq
A boy admires the balloons in a busy Baghdad square. Photo by Ahmed Twaij (@twaiji )on Instagram.
By Kalam El Qahaira