Let's face it, every girl probably watches makeup tutorials to learn the ropes. No one figures it all out on their own. Back in the day, this knowledge was passed down from our mothers, but now, in the digital age, anyone who wants to learn anything just heads to YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram; it's never been easier! So, here are our favourite Egyptian influencers who share makeup tips and tricks that are easy to follow in everyday life.


Aya Abdelhamid

Aya Abdelhamid's Tuesday makeup tips are a game-changer! Her advice is incredibly useful and easy to follow, perfect for anyone still learning the ins and outs of makeup. These tips are so insightful you'd never figure them out on your own!


Manar Badr

Manar shares full makeup tutorials on her TikTok that are super easy to follow if you know the basics. She doesn't dive into the details or techniques, making her videos perfect for those with a bit of makeup knowledge already.


Mariam Bayoumi

Mariam shares a lot of tutorials while doing makeup on her clients, and she makes it super easy to follow. Her step-by-step approach is perfect for anyone looking to learn and improve their skills.


Makeup by Salmash

Salma is a talented young makeup artist whose skills really stand out. While she doesn't post many tutorials, she has begun teaching how to achieve specific looks, such as creating a glowing base. Her TikTok videos are detailed yet simple, showing her makeup process step-by-step in a way that's easy to follow, making her tips accessible to everyone.


Nour Rizk

Nour Rizk is one of the best makeup artists to follow for learning makeup quickly and simply. Her tutorials break down each step in a way that's easy to understand, making it perfect for beginners.