No, probably not. But let's talk about it anyway. State-run news agency (there's a red flag right there), MENA, has reported that investment minister, Ashraf Salman, is in talks with Disney about Egypt becoming home to the region's first Disney amusement park.

"There are discussions going on between Disney International to build in Egypt its first Disney Park in the Middle East, similar to Disney France." Salman made the claim at the launch of Mickey's Magic Show, a live Disney performance, which is running till Saturday at Cairo International Convention Center and looks super trippy.

The news follows reports that Disney pulled out of their initial choice, Turkey, after reassessing the risks of being in proximity to war-torn Syria.

If this unlikely plan comes to fruition, it would certainly boost the Egypt's ailing tourism, but we'd find a way to screw it up anyway.

Here's a picture of an angry Arab Mickey.