iOSis september?sert its creative Mojo7 and the iPhone5S are already old news, but recently, murmurings have emerged from within Apple: Expect an army of new products this fall.” It’s pretty certain that this will include the iPhone C, a more affordable version that Apple will push overseas, and a new iPad and iPad mini.

But it also seems that something special may be on the cards: aside from the promise of an “army”, Apple execs seem very confident indeed that this autumn they’ll prove that the company can still deliver the goods.

Plenty of rumours are flying, with some suggesting that the latest iPhone will include a futuristic fingerprint sensor, and the iPad a retinal scanner that will just about push us into 2001: A Space Odyssey territory.

More mysteriously however, Bob Mansfield, one of the top guys at Apple, was quietly moved on Sunday from an overseeing role to a narrower, more specialised development position; analysts suggest that this means he has been called in to focus on a single product.

So what is this mystery-item that needs a man who was paid $85.5 million last year to oversee it? Is he giving one of the above an extra punch, or is he working on the long rumoured iWatch or Apple TV set? Perhaps he’s working on another product that somehow has been kept a secret from us all. Either way, his involvement means it’s something big; maybe big enough to prove that Apple really has still got it.