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Student activities are found across all universities in Egypt, with some even joining different universities together. If you think they’re not for you, it’s perfectly fine.


However, if you want to join a student activity (or you’re already in one), there are a few things you need to keep in mind. To find out what things we’re referring to, read on!


Don’t Take It Too Seriously 

When joining an extracurricular student activity at college, you need to keep in mind what it actually is. It’s not a job, and the activity itself shouldn’t take precedence over your assignments and college projects. Make sure to stay grounded, and don’t give whatever entity you join more energy than it needs.

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Have Time Management

You’ll need to learn how to manage your time, especially if the activity you’re in is demanding. You’ll need to figure out a balance between the activity’s meetings and other demands and your actual college studies. However, if you can’t reach that balance, you might be better off if you drop or change the activity.


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Don’t Be Self-Centred

No, the MUN you joined isn’t the actual United Nations—so don’t act like you’re working with NASA just because you joined an ‘important’ student activity. Don’t be condescending to those who didn’t get in, either. At the end of the day, it’s still just a student activity.

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You Need To Be Involved

One of the mistakes most people do when in a student activity is not taking it seriously enough and not being involved. That needs to change because otherwise, you’d just be missing out on the fun. If there are trips or fun outings on the table, join in and don’t stay away from the fun just because ‘that wasn’t what you signed up for’. It’s a chance to widen your circles, so why not take it?

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It Can Add To Your CV

Believe it or not, a student activity can add to your CV, especially if you have no work experience. If you’re thinking of working in an entity that does organisational work, that student activity experience might come in handy.

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