Via InsideHook

The worldwide famous dating app, Tinder, is now on everyone’s phone! People use it to look for different types of relationships; friendships, casual relationships, serious relationships, etc. However, they always tend to make their profiles irrelevant to what they want or generally not interesting or super creepy. Let us open your eyes to some things that will make your profile look catchier!

Tip #1: Keep it real!

For starters, it’s definitely important not use a celebrity’s picture or no picture at all. Some people use such pictures to deceive others, thinking they can’t tell if it’s fake when it’s so obvious! However, if you can’t tell, try to run the person’s picture through some kind of photo search engine.

Via Cosmopolitan

Tip #2: Don’t be pretentious

Leading in from the first tip, don’t post a picture of you that is pretentious!

For guys, don’t use that old picture you cherish from that fancy trip you went on once! Use one that is just genuine and shows your real personality, a smiley selfie can actually suffice. Because women care more about authenticity.

For the ladies, there is no need to post that picture with full make-up and Instagram filters, just go simple! Because just like women care about authenticity, guys do too!

Therefore, remember if someone wants to know you on a deeper level, they need to see what you truly look like. It’s the least you can do.

Tip #3: Don’t “bad boy/girl” yourself!

Bios are really important on Tinder. So don’t write fake carefree captions! Simple as that, write a bio that actually sounds like you. We know that it’s somehow common that being a bad boy or bad girl is cool but it really isn’t. That’s why if you are looking for something serious, show your true colors!

Via Tostones Cubanos's Pinterest


Tip #4: Tinder is a dating app!

Friendships is the last thing you want to look for on Tinder! Some people deceive others that they are looking for friendships. Yet after they match and talk, turns out that one of them wants a casual relationship!

Tip #5: Don’t come off too creepy!

Conversation starters are tricky, we know! But there is no need to start a conversation with deep existential questions or profanity-indicating emojis! Creativity is not always the best option here, start the conversation with something simple and as you get to know each other, interesting topics will just pop up!

Via Edna Herrera's Pinterest