via Serious Eats

Food pairings are often considered a science, with specific flavours and ingredients complementing each other perfectly. Unusual food pairings can intrigue the palate more than the usual flavour profiles because they offer a unique and unexpected combination of tastes and textures. Our taste buds are wired to crave new and exciting experiences; unexpected flavour combinations can provide just that. When we try something new, our brains release dopamine, the feel-good chemical that makes us feel happy and satisfied. So, if you’re feeling bored with your everyday meals, try these seven combos out with friends and have some fun.


1- Chocolate and Parmesan Cheese

via wisconsincheese

Chocolate and Parmesan cheese’s sweet and salty flavours create a delectable taste experience. The richness of the chocolate is balanced by the sharpness of the cheese, creating a perfect harmony of flavours that could work in the form of a Chocolate-Parmesan Pecan Pie.


2- Salami and Honey

via The Communal Feast

The salami’s saltiness and the honey’s sweetness make for a mouth-watering combination. The salami’s smoky flavour enhances the honey’s sweetness, making it an ideal breakfast pizza topping!


3- Strawberries and Balsamic Vinegar

via Family Spice

At first thought, these two ingredients may not seem like they go together. However, the sweet and sour flavours of the strawberries and balsamic vinegar complement each other perfectly. The vinegar brings out the natural sweetness of the strawberries, making for one delicious and adventurous breakfast jam.


4- Popcorn and Sriracha

via The Peach Kitchen

Are you a fan of spicy food? The spicy kick of Sriracha and the saltiness of popcorn create a unique and addictive snack. The heat of the Sriracha is balanced by the neutral taste of the popcorn, making it a perfect movie-night treat.


5- Avocado and Dark Chocolate

via The Peach Kitchen

The creamy texture of avocado pairs surprisingly well with the rich flavour of dark chocolate. Yes, we are used to savoury avocado on toast, but this combo is a sure win. The subtle sweetness of the avocado enhances the chocolate’s bitterness, making for healthy and indulgent brownies.


6- Grilled Cheese and Apple

via La Brea Bakery

The sweetness of the apple is balanced by the savoury taste of the grilled cheese, creating a comforting and delicious sandwich. The crunchy texture of the apple adds an extra dimension to the gooey cheese sandwich, which is a very cool twist on Egypt’s favourite go-to sandwich.


7- Chocolate and Hummus

via Salted Plains

This may seem like an odd combination, but the neutral starchy flavour and texture of the hummus blend perfectly with the sweet chocolate for a healthier dip at parties and movie nights! Chickpeas are generally an excellent base for any ingredient that needs some toning.