One of the special things about the world we live in is all the unique and diverse cultures that humans like us have created throughout history. Think of how interesting it gets when cultural exchanges happen; getting to hear about all the different traditions and their authentic art.

Bringing people together; that is what festivals like India by the Nile (IBN) achieve. This year marks the 7th that India has shown us just how special their culture, and how festive their spirit is — allowing us to witness Indian arts and culture in some of our big cities such as our beloved Capital, Alexandria, and Port Said.  

The festival, organised by Teamwork Arts, opened its doors on March 7th and will run until March 17th and is considered one of the biggest festivals to take place in Egypt. Indian Ambassador Rahul Kulshreshtha gave a heartwarming speech at the opening ceremony, commemorating the start of IBN 2019.

Indian singer Harpreet and The Ishara Puppet Theatre Trust were two out of many famous Indian musicians, actors, and dancers who graced the stage of the festival with their talent and art, representing an authentic portrayal of the beautiful Indian culture to all of us by the Nile.

What’s even more interesting, is that this year’s edition of the festival celebrated the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, and honoured his legacy of peace, truth, and non-violence.  

The festival also includes various workshops, such as the Yoga Workshop and Bollywood Dance workshop. In addition to an entire segment of the festival is dedicated to presenting all the famous Bollywood movies, and a special series of seminars meant to highlight the importance of a smooth relationship between the two countries. Not to mention all the awesome authentic Indian food that we’ll get to taste in the Indian Food Festival!

If you wanna know more about India by the Nile, check out their Facebook page or website!