via DK Find Out

One of the most incredible sculptures ever created, the Great Sphinx of Giza, dates back thousands of years to Ancient Egypt. A Twitter user, however, claims to have located a Sphinx lookalike near the Saudi city of Ha’il.

via Twitter

There’s no doubt that heat, pressure, and environmental effects can naturally cause rocks to be reshaped over time. Still, we don’t think this replica looks anything like our ageless, monumental limestone statue with a lion’s body and a human head! So, here are some Tweets of how the Egyptians laughed and took the bizarre perception in stride.

If you look at this Saudi sculpture closely, you will understand why this Twitter user thinks it is the grandpa of the Sphinx, calling it “Abu Abu El Houl”. Their different facial characteristics definitely give off the impression that an age difference exists!

A nonbeliever, however, replied with a picture of the legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan and said the Saudi sculpture more closely resembles Hogan than our Great Sphinx!

One Twitter user joked about the two sculptures’ proposed friendship by naming the Saudi one “Abu Nawaf” and posting a meme of them racing into one other.

Last but not least, the “Oh My God” look on the Saudi rock sculpture inspired yet another creatively hilarious name from this Twitter user. The more we look at it, the more it makes sense!