via Awesome Adventure Play

For years, we have played the nostalgic “Autobees Complete” game and slightly messed with its rules to fit in words for each letter round. The game’s countries round is the one that mainly encounters all the disputed amendments, with cities, districts, and even fantasy lands slyly stated by participants. The objects section can also become problematic when others try to re-list foods meant for the foods section as objects within the same round!


via Twitter

With that in mind, we found a Tweet sparking a new “Autobees Complete” controversy. A user tweeted to ask if “unicorn” is an acceptable buzz-in for the game’s animal section. It is needless to say that desperate times call for desperate measures, and we’re willing to bet many will butt heads to defend the existence of this nonexistent creature for the sake of a game-win!


Many replying Tweets were against the mythical creature’s listing as an animal in the game. But one user jokingly suggested that the answer is acceptable if the English version, following English letters, is played. We know the reply is cynical, but if you think about it, there isn’t a commonly known animal starting with the letter “U.” So, “unicorn” should be allowed by default! In contrast, if the game is played with Arabic letters, we have “Yamama” (doves) to save us when the Egyptian version of “U,” “Yeh,” is called.


Someone hilariously quoted the Tweet to say that a unicorn is a plausible option for a Scottish version of the game. If you aren’t familiar with their culture, Scots are widely known for their adoration of legends and myths. And unicorns are Scotland’s national animal based on their belief that the mascot is the strongest of all animals. So now we know where to go for an argument-free “Autobees Complete” game night!