Via Janoubia

If Egyptians were ever asked to pin down the Golden Age of Television, they’d probably say it was somewhere between the mid-‘80s and the early 2000s, as that was when our best TV shows came out. No, that’s not an exaggeration.

After all, the shows from this period are the ones that no one can help but rewatch every time they’re on TV. If you’re looking for an old comfort show to go back to, allow us to refresh your memory with this list.

1- Raya Wa Sekeena

Even though the iconic tale of Egypt’s most gruesome, real-life serial killer sisters Raya and Sekeena has been adapted into several movies and a play, it’s this now-classic series that captures their story best. Starring Abla Kamel and Somaya El Khashab, Raya Wa Sekeena had Egyptian audiences in a trance with its intricate storylines, horrific murders, and the infamous final trial. Because of that, this show is never off people’s watchlist.

Via El-Wattan News 

2- Rafaat El Haggan

Cue in the iconic intro music! In this show based on a true story, Mahmoud Abdelaziz plays Rafaat El Haggan, the role of a lifetime and a symbol of Egyptian patriotism. The programme depicts the heroic journey of one of the most successful Egyptian spies and the complicated life he led, living undercover in the zionist state of Israel.

Through this show’s three seasons, Egyptians were glued to their seats for the story of Rafaat El Haggan. Who knew being a double agent could be this touching?

Via Ajar Post

3- Yawmeyat Wanees

This gem of a multi-season series is every Egyptian family’s favourite sitcom, as it suits all family members and paints a humorous portrait of their struggles. Yawmeyat Wanees isn’t only funny, but it’s also incredibly well-written, perfectly executed, and has lots of heart. At its core, the show is about parenting and familial relationships.

It takes us through multiple common issues between parents and their children, not just by presenting the problem in a hilarious manner but also with great solutions and conclusions. While some of Wanees’s family issues are still relevant now, this sitcom is a perfect nostalgic nod to Egypt in the ‘90s. 

Via Ro'aya

4- Lan A’eesh Fi Gelbab Abi

An iconic journey of a self-made Egyptian is never too old to tell, especially if the lead is played by Egypt’s beloved Nour El Sherif! One of the most rewatchable shows to grace Egyptian television, Lan A’eesh Fi Gelbab Abi was adapted from Ihsan Abdelqudoos’s novel of the same name and turned into our version of the ‘Egyptian Dream’.

We see this rags-to-riches journey through the eyes of Abdelghaffour El Boraey, who goes from being a shop worker to a rich and powerful family man. As the series progresses, the show shifts from Abdelghaffour to the struggles of his children, especially his son, with their parents’ backgrounds. We’d argue that the second half of the show is even more entertaining, as it gave us many ‘classy VS baladi’ culture clashes and Sania’s iconic wedding.

Via Masrawy

5- ‘Aelt El Hag Metwali

Twenty years ago, every Egyptian family watched this Nour El Sherif-led show about a man who gets insanely rich and ends up marrying five wildly different women, while somehow making polygamy work.

Though El Hag Metwalli as a character is now seen as the raging misogynist that he was, everyone still enjoys watching the exploits and antics of his wives, mostly the ones played by Magda Zaki, Ghada Abdelrazik, and Somaya El Khashab, as that’s just comedy gold right there! If you want to revisit these laughs, you can easily do so as this show is constantly airing somewhere. Still, we feel the need to remind people that it does send many unrealistic messages.

Via El-Balad News