Mythology is abundant in almost every culture around the world, and people are always very interested or entertained by these stories. Some even study them, becoming encyclopedias in different mythologies. And we’ve decided to tell you about a few of the most popular to pique your interest. Who knows? You may even find a new interest or hobby!


1- Egyptian Mythology

You guys don’t need us to tell you why we love this mythology in particular, right? Not only is Egyptian mythology considered to be one of the most ancient, but it’s also given us lots of stories that explain Ancient Egyptian culture while also featuring the ruling gods of Egypt. And the fact that Egyptian mythology has some of the most interesting gods makes it infinitely more fun!

Although you might think this title belonged to Horus or Osiris, Amun was actually considered to be the most popular and powerful Egyptian god, just like Zeus in Greek mythology


2- Greek Mythology

Speaking of Greek mythology, the Ancient Greeks had an interesting take on their mythology. Not only were these stories relayed by the Greeks, but they also actively considered them a part of their religious practices. They also thought that the most powerful gods and goddesses lived in the famous mountain, Mount Olympus (which you may know from the Hercules movie). Although mostly fiction, Greek mythology has made people explore many fields, like art and literature, through different lenses.


3- Hindu Mythology

Hindu mythology explains a lot about the religion of Hinduism itself, one of the oldest religions in the world. The stories have strongly affected how Hindus approach their faith, tracing traditions back to the stories. ‘Karma’, a word you might be familiar with, also came from Hindu mythology. It’s also important to note that most Hindu myths come from two poems, Mahabharata and Ramayana.

Interesting fact: Hindus have a supreme god, Vishnu, who is the preserver and protector of the universe.


4- Norse Mythology

Curious about where Marvel’s Thor and Loki came from? Well, you don’t have to be because they came from Norse mythology. Interestingly, this mythology is mostly made up of myths from Scandinavian and North Germanic peoples. Norse mythology has had a huge impact on religion everywhere, even impacting the way we see Vikings.

A little tiny twist: Thor IS, in fact, the strongest god in Norse mythology, and Loki has three kids, none of which are human. If you’re curious about Loki’s kids, look them up online: Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungandr. Be warned, though, as they’re extremely creepy!


5- Japanese Mythology

People may not know much about Japanese mythology, but it’s actually quite intriguing in many ways. It focuses more on something called Kami, which refers to deities or gods whose powers are associated with natural sources and the spirits of the dead. Japanese mythology combines two religions: Shinto and Buddhism, with their stories revolving around them.

Fun fact: Amaterasu is the most popular goddess in Japanese mythology. She’s the celestial sun goddess, with some imperial families claiming to be her descendants. Her name translates to ‘Great Divinity Illuminating Heaven’—we recommend you read her story to find out more!