Via Youm 7 & Cima Now

The Egyptian movie industry has made many outstanding films across its different genres. And although we know this, there is always this genre that we can’t seem to tackle properly, both in terms of production and storyline.

Can you guess what that genre is? We’ll tell you. It is, without a doubt, horror. Our scary movies are just never frightening! If you can’t even think of an Egyptian horror movie, let us remind you (and cringe together) with these Egyptian “horror” gems. Keep in mind, though, that may be the only horrifying thing is how poorly they’re made.


When we think of the singing icon that is Adaweya, this movie definitely DOES NOT come to mind! His acting skills do not match his vocals, and we feel like we should talk about that. Anyab is an ‘80s movie about a vampire villain who tries to hunt two lovers that try to escape from him and his men. With the way the vampires are presented, though, we’re not sure if this was a comedy or drama.


Do you know how those classic and predictable horror movies always start with a couple going to a remote, creepy place? Well, that is exactly what this movie is about! A guy and his girlfriend go to stay at his home in the suburbs, where they find his sister doing strange things. This leads him to install cameras all over the place to find out why these paranormal activities are happening instead of seeking help. It is not even close to horror when you think about it. All we see here is a cheap attempt to copy Paranormal Activity.

Via Joe's Horror Reviews


You may have watched this movie once in your life, but you still regret it. Why? Because this movie was nothing close to actual horror movies. The plot basically revolves around a group of friends that go on a holiday adventure in an abandoned hotel, where they find weird murder cases around the remote area they’re stranded in. It does take them long to start accusing each other of being the murderer, though the mask is practically transparent. The real question here is: If they’re in a hotel, why is the movie called Camp?


Guess what this movie is about. Yes, another couple! After an awful accident, the couple goes to a hospital on a deserted road where the doctor and his crew are involved in human trafficking and organ trading. It also turns out the doctor wants to kill the guy to cover his tracks. Sure, it’s a story with potential, but, as with most Egyptian horror movies, it’s not nearly as scary as it should have been.

Via IMDb

El Ta’weeza

This nostalgic gem has a sort of black magic vibe to it, and we’ll tell you how. Basically, the story is about a man who wants to buy a house that a family already lives in. Understandably, the family refuses the man’s offer, pushing him to cast a spell on them to force them into a deal they didn’t sign up for. This explains why there’s a bizarre-looking devil roaming around because we all know how cheap props are the Egyptian horror movie’s true trademark. Also, it was the ’80s, so we just might let this one slide.