via Sherine Abdel Wahab

Every day, your brain consumes a huge amount of information, but sometimes you get a bit confused and get a weird feeling like you’ve heard it before. You know that feeling, right? Your mind makes you wonder and recall if this actually happened or it’s just déjà vu. It seems that you might have sensed that feeling with the stories about Egyptian singers’ Sherine Abdel Wahab and Hossam Habib’s relationship status.

As we know, the couple got married in 2018, which was huge gossip back then. Recently, there has been some news about Abdel Wahab and Habib, but Sherine’s daughter is involved this time. If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s briefly what happened.

Hana, Sherine Abdelwahab’s daughter, has posted a story on her Instagram account singing “I Hate You”. That’s not what the whole fuss is about; it’s more about the text Hana has written on that story. “To that person that their name starts with the letter H”, who could that person be? Do you have a (not-so-obvious) guess?

Well, if you do, you’re not alone. Here are some reactions that we would like to share with you.

via Youm 7

Quite mysterious – huh? No one can compete with Egyptians when it comes to sarcastic comments!

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Others had some creative guesses! Here’s one of them:

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We bet you didn’t have the chance to dig deep and think who might be mister mysterious “H”, so please, take a look at this wild guess.

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These guesses never fail to surprise us! Mahraganat singers and Sherine Abdel Wahab? Who would have that?!

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Now, this is one out-of-the-box guess! Who would’ve guessed that El Zaama Adel Shakal is the target of this mysterious message?

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Wait, that’s not it—there’s a song that we’d like to share with you, Sherine’s newest release, “El Kamas” (AKA Grumpy Man). Could this have anything to do with the ‘mysterious’ Mr H?

via Filfan

What a way to wrap 2021, we know! This year sure proved that a lot can happen from its first day until its last, but it’s still hard to guess what can possibly come next.