Noora, the daughter of the megastar Amr Diab and the Egyptian diva Shereen Reda, has been trending on social media over the past week. Last Tuesday, Kieran Woodward, Noora Amr Diab’s significant other, popped the question. Kieran got on bended knee and asked Noora to marry him during one of her photoshoots.
Noora shared the news on her Instagram account, expressing her happiness and joy and announcing that she’ll be moving to South London to live with Kieran after they get married, also sharing some details about the wedding plans. Noora also explained why she’s not regularly wearing her engagement ring. Apparently, it’s because she lost some weight and it needs resizing as it does not fit her perfectly.
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Noora’s fiancée Kieran, who’s been in a relationship with her for the past five months, works as a fitness trainer and loves photography as a hobby. Most of the photos on his Instagram account are photos of Noora with him flirting with her.