The new Egyptian series Bahr is attracting so many viewers due to Maged El Masry’s incredible performance. Produced by Ahmed Saleh, Bahr revolves around the societal issues involving Egypt’s rural culture. There are so many compelling factors, pushing the crowd to keep on bingeing on the series, but the audience is mainly hooked to Bahr’s characteristics and the way he acts in certain situations.
Viewers are being inspired by how Egypt’s rural area is presented, giving them an educational opportunity to learn from Bahr’s features. As we couldn’t help it, we made a list of the qualities of the new fan-favourite character that we should look up to.
Sticking to one’s values
Throughout the series, he never abandoned his principles or values, not even for the sake of money or security. In the face of good and evil, in the face of participating in crime and robbery, in terms of the Egyptian treasure when Bahr had no choice but to be involved, he did not use that as an excuse to steal money. On the contrary, throughout this conflict, he maintained his ethics and chose to stick to his personal values regardless of how tempting other options may have felt.
If there’s one important value that Bahr has taught us, it’s to tolerate discomfort and pain and to always lift oneself up. In his episodes, his characters suffered from trauma and difficulties, and despite that, he stayed strong in heart. This is a message to all viewers that one must be able to stand on his feet, no matter what.
We have also seen Bahr’s openness to challenges. He is flexible around the difficulties he faces. He’s patient, he’s not rigid, he accepts that problems take time to sort themselves out, and accepts his emotions for what they are rather than resist them.
Throughout the show, you will resonate with the Upper Egyptian accent and really feel it in your bones. Even ElMasry himself worked on his accent for a long time and reiterated the fact that if his accent felt forced, he would not have accepted the role. Watching the show makes you feel raw emotion and view the intensity of this imagery along the way. Through that, we have learned that anything inauthentic is something we can’t feel or take in.
With the escalation of events and emotions throughout the series, ElMasry does not always let himself rely on his instincts, but practices self-control instead. He maintains a level of serenity throughout the series and stays away from the factors that will bring him down. How? By learning to control himself, a characteristic we can all learn from him and apply to our daily lives.
It’s clear that the series has a lot to offer. Not to mention that the series is full of lively emotion and exciting events, ElMasry’s acting skills are no surprise. He claims everything in this role was new to him, and he owes the success of his performance to practice. He practiced everything, and it all came in raw and ready to touch the hearts of all its viewers.