It is a very rare occurrence when a prominent market leader is set on setting trends and making fashion statements through its products. However, there is one global smartphone maker that has been doing that for years now. We are talking OPPO people, their latest fashion statement, the F9 smartphone, has echoed beyond the horizon; inspiring young fashion designers and big wig influencers as well.
On a local level, OPPO sponsored Cairo Fashion Festival (CFF) since its 8th edition, up until the most recent 10th edition. Each time they didn’t rest before ensuring that the glam of the phone matched the glam of the event. Sometimes mesmerising us with new colours that are usually only offered in super expensive phones. Their latest, and fanciest release, the OPPO F9, is a whole new story about being inspired by fashion, nature, and power.
The latest edition of the F9 comes in a glorious Starry Purple colour that shifts from dark purple to dark magenta, with specks of stars to remind you of the majesty of the night sky. And, with a design like this, it could compliment any outfit. But, the one outfit that did that the best was ZAAM’s swanky dress, designed exclusively for OPPO’s ambassador, Huda Al-Mufti, during CFF’s 10th edition. The reason it resonated with the smartphone so much was the choice of colours, and how it was inspired by OPPO’s gradient colour of the Starry Purple F9.
ZAAM is a new fashion brand that started with women’s bags, then men’s bags, and is now making a novel entrance to the Egyptian fashion scene. With OPPO’s determination to be in line with fashion, all that’s trending, and to support local talents, Ahmed Azzam (owner of ZAAM) is one of the first people that OPPO is collaborating with, in support of young fashion entrepreneurs with big ideas. ZAAM had its big break at CFF’S OPPOxZAAMshow, where his collection ‘OppoCalypse’ of bags and other new outfits was being showcased.
Nonetheless, this is not the first time that OPPO has supported a local fashion designer. For example, the 9th edition of CFF, OPPO challenged the fashion designers present to create designs inspired by OPPO’S identity. The winner, Eva Habashi, won a cash prize from OPPO; this prize helped her start building her own fashion empire.
Their influence on the fashion industry is truly global, and they are using the right tools to have an impact on the fashion world through their innovative designs and their contributions to supporting our local talents.