In 2009, the Comics Short-story creator, Jake Parker, started an annual celebration of drawing with ink; the celebration lasted for the whole month of October. Later, with the help of social media, the challenge grew in popularity and more people started participating. If you search Instagram for #inktober2018 you will find millions of sketches and drawings.

One of the challenge’s rules is to follow a prompt for each day of October. The prompt is mainly a word from which artists can draw inspiration to put their talent to work.


Here, we have decided to highlight some of the Egyptian talents participating in the challenge. 

Noha Ashraf

Mohamed Hussein El Mahdy

Asem Kamal

Salma Osama Zakaria

Hamdy Hassan

Mostafa Saleh

Muhammad Labib

Seif Hamza

Salma Essa



Omar El-sergany

Hedayat Khaled

Yosr Hamed

Salma H. Muhammed

Mohamed Sayed

Nuran Ahmed

Liza Maged

Shahendah Shawkat

If you feel like we’ve left anyone out, let us know!


By Adel M. Fakhry