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Yesterday, a series of videos broke the internet for all the wrong reasons. A passenger in one car filmed another car which had an Asian tourist or expat in the backseat. The driver was using a tissue to cover his mouth and nose and was exchanging small talk with the man videoing the incident. Yes, racism was involved. 

“Throw him anywhere,” the person videoing laughingly yelled. The rest of the videos show that the unfortunate subject of this vile, racist attack got out of the car and started roaming the highway amidst Cairo’s traffic. It’s unclear whether the driver dropped him off or the guy just got fed up and decided to give the xenophobe who was filming him a piece of his mind. However, all that he got in return was being called “Corona... Corona!”

The guy looked lost, and signs of panic were all over his face. Just take a moment and put yourself in his shoes; and no, you don’t have to be Asian to feel it. Racism and prejudice have no mercy once they get you; you can experience it because of your race, sex, religion, your skin colour; you name it. It’s undoubtedly a disgusting experience.

Watching the incident was truly heartbreaking. Not because someone is Asian, you’d automatically assume they’re Chinese; that’s extremely racist on its own. In fact, throwing the blame at the Chinese is not okay either. Sadly, this doesn’t just occur here; it happens worldwide to plenty of people every day. It’s 2020; prejudice and discrimination are NOT okay. It’s time for people take a stand against racism once and for all, and put an end to it; these are not the attributes you want to teach your children. Instead, teach them to be kind to one another, defend the helpless, and do good whenever they can.