via YouTube and Youm 7

Whether you’ve consciously tried to keep up with the Ramadan trends or were swept up in the hustle and bustle of Cairene life, one thing’s certain—you definitely missed out on some of the things that happened in the first two weeks of Ramadan.

But you don’t need to worry because, like always, we’re here to fill you in on what you’ve missed, gossip and trends included! 

Shar’ana VS Ghar’ana VS (Old-school Desserts) 

via Facebook 

Yes, it’s the same debate you’ve heard a thousand times already: Which is better, shar’ana or ghar’ana? With the trendy desserts being so controversial, though, a third camp came out of the woodwork—the people who don’t want anything to do with newfangled confections and would rather just eat plain, uninspired desserts.

Drama on the U-Turn Set

via Al Masry Al Youm and Al Ain 

We’re beginning to think someone really has it out for Riham Haggag. Not only did renowned actor Tawfik Abdelhamid announce his intention to retire fully from acting once filming for U-Turn wraps up, but there have also been rumours flying around about an odd environment on the set itself!

Best Picture Goes To…Mohamed Ramadan? 

via Fil Fan 

Here’s something that we feel is kind of odd: The best cinematography in any Ramadan show can be found in Mohamed Ramadan’s El-Meshwar. No, we’re not kidding. With the first ten episodes being directed by Mohamed Yassin, the fact that the show looks this good makes total sense. Still, we didn’t expect to see some outstanding visuals from a Mohamed Ramadan show. 

Everyone’s In Love With The Nabawys

via ET Bil Arabi 

Watched Rag’een Ya Hawa recently? If so, then you’ve noticed how everyone (and we mean everyone) is fawning over Khaled El-Nabawy and his son (and co-star) Nour El-Nabawy. And we totally understand the sentiment—this father-son duo is full of natural charisma that it’s physically impossible not to love them! 

El-Kebeer Awi Is Funny Again (and It’s All Thanks to Rahma Ahmed) 

via Fil Fan 

If you’ve watched this current season of El-Kebeer Awi and didn’t think it was THAT funny, then you’re on to something. El-Kebeer Awi’s sense of humour has taken a hit (especially when you compare it to the older seasons), but the show has found its saving grace in Rahma Ahmed’s Marbouha, which has # breathed new life into the show, and its humour!