After 10 years of working together and taking the mahraganat genre by storm, the power duo, Oka Wi Ortega announced they’re splitting up. Ahmed Metwally, known as Ortega, just posted a video on the pair’s joint Instagram account, unveiling the news.

Ortega denied the rumours that have surfaced about possible beef between the two artists, given that they started working individually. He said that Oka is his brother and lifetime friend above anything else and that there are no disputes between them; it’s just that they decided to each work on their own art.

Oka Wi Ortega’s long journey includes huge hits such as the 2013 Haty Bosa Ya Bet and the 2017 El3ab Yala; they even did a movie together called 8%. However, over the past few months, they each started releasing music individually and with other artists. Oka dropped songs such as Leila, and last night, he released Ha2aw, featuring Heisa. Ortega also dropped songs like Ana Hatganen, and tonight, he’ll be releasing a new tune titled Fer3on.