Via Sada El-Balad

If you’ve been on social media recently, then you must have heard about our beloved superstar Sherine Abdel Wahab participating as a guest of honor at a graduation ceremony for the dental students of MUST University and how she livened up the stage with songs like “Masherbetsh Min Nilha” and “Ya Ma’afer”!

Sadly, though, the superstar’s performance sparked a lot of controversy on social media. And, no, not because of anything she said. It was because of the fact that Sherine had gained weight!

Although some of her fans showed support and praised her strong comeback, others took the liberty to be mean and entitled over her weight gain! Let us unravel the whole story for you.

Let’s recount what has been going on in Sherine’s life recently!

Before and even after her divorce, Sherine Abdel-Wahab and Hossam Habib have been caught in a vicious cycle of fights for almost 2 years now. Things between them even went to court earlier this year, with both parties filing cases against each other.

It goes without saying that all this mayhem caused a lot of distress to Sherine, even pushing the star to publically address the matter and how it affected her mental health. Yet, no one has cut her some slack and everyone just actively keeps bashing her on social media!

Via El-Bawaba

So, what is going on in her life now?

At the MUST university graduation ceremony, Sherine stated that she has helical bacteria and infections in the duodenum causing her body to gain weight. It’s been a tough period of time for our megastar physically and mentally but we are proud of her for standing tall and talking about everything going on in her life truthfully.

Via Newsfounded

Some people’s reactions to Sherine’s appearance in the ceremony

Despite the star’s candor, people weren’t all that kind to her. And that was infuriating to see, especially online where people did nothing but comment on Sherine’s body weight and tell her to ‘fix herself up’.

Also, many people harped on how ‘superstars don’t look like that’.  Isn’t it too harsh to put such standards on someone trying to get back on their feet? Also, shaming a woman for her body is considered bullying and is definitely unacceptable! How do we still not know that in the year 2022?

We hope that Sherine isn’t being negatively affected by these comments and wish her well, though we do pity the families and friends of people who believe bullying to be ‘constructive criticism’.

Via Twitter