Saudi Arabia’s first and favourite rap artist, Qusai Kheder (AKA Don Legend the Kamelion), has just dropped a new single off the Bassline EP he and Egypt’s SFNX have been collaborating on. We sat down with the hip-hop artist and TV personality to talk about his inspiration, cross-medium success and why he just can’t get enough of Egypt.
Your latest EP, Gone, is part of Bassline – a project you are working on with SFNX; how did that come together?
Me and SFNX have known each other since 2007, when I was hosting MTV Arabia’s Hip Hop Na, and we established this friendship - every time I came to Egypt, we were always in contact. When I released Umm El Dunyia in 2015, I was spending more time in Egypt and with SFNX, and we realised we both like the same music– soul, old-school, funk and all that –so we decided to work on a song or two. We did All the Way and then Gone then we decided to continue and released five different songs into an EP, and each song is an era of music - 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s.
Why did you decide to have every song represent an era?
When we worked on Gone and All the Way, we realised Gone had this 80’s sound and All the Way had the sound of the 90’s. Then I had a song that had trap-hop, and one that had a 70’s feel; so one thing led to another and I was like, ‘hey, let’s do that’.