Travelling abroad may seem like a mission impossible for some, but that’s far from the truth! In reality, exploring the world can come cheap, but only if you think right, save right, and give up on the luxurious aspects of travelling to focus your energy on exploring new parts of the world. Here are a few ways to help you save for your next trip away.

Dedicate a Fund for Traveling 

Creating a new bank account dedicated to a travel fund will make things feel real. Make it a habit to transfer money into the account every month, and keep it away from any temptations! Always make this account your last resort for money. 

Pack Your Own Lunch 

It may sound obvious, but packing your lunch for work saves a lot of money and calories too! Spending less on lunch will add to your savings; it might take a little extra time, but it’s certainly effective. 

Skip the Fancy Coffee 

We all know that sipping coffee from a plastic cup feels different. So save the environment as you save money and cut back on the fancy coffee. 

Dine in

Instead of eating out, stay in and enjoy some homemade food! Give in to your lazy side and enjoy the comfort of your home for a change. It’s also an opportunity to improve your cooking skills. 

Dropping the Shopping  

It doesn’t sound easy, but think of what you’ll save for future shopping abroad! The prices and options abroad are way much better, so, if you think about it, you’re not really cutting out shopping, you’re just putting it on hold. 

Travel in off-seasons 

This trick works every time! Don’t travel during holidays and official vacations, instead book your flight during the off-season and the flight tickets will be much cheaper, so will be the hotels. 

Work a Little Bit More  

Don’t just depend on your primary income to save from. Instead, try to get a part-time job or do some freelancing work. This extra money should go straight to your travel fund!

Lastly, Visualise!

Make a vision board with all the places you wish to visit someday so that you stay motivated and reminded of all the beautiful things that await. Eventually, your dreams will manifest into reality, and you’ll be off on the trip of a lifetime!