Your first day at the gym can, of course, be intimidating. You don’t know what you’re doing, and you’re surrounded by a whole lot of people who seem like experts. But don’t fret, because we’ve got your back! Following a few tips can make the day go much better than you’d expect.

So, if you have finally decided to go to the gym, here are some do’s and don’ts that’ll make your first day fruitful.


#1 Warm up before you start your exercise

It’s essential to warm up your body before you start exercising because it helps prepare your body for the training. A warm-up will increase your blood flow, stretch your muscles, and will gradually increase your heart rate.

#CGtip: The duration of the warm-up session shouldn’t be less than 10 to 15 minutes.

#2 Drink water during your exercise

Exercise leads to dissolving stored fats. So, the body sweats a lot to maintain its thermal balance. That’s why you need to drink water during the exercise to compensate for the water your body loses.

#3 Give your body time to recover

Nobody ever goes to the gym every day, especially if it’s your first time.

To avoid soreness and muscle pain, or even injuries, it’s preferable to give your body at least two days each week to recover and get ready for your next time at the gym.


#1 Don’t use any machine without reading the instructions

Using any sports machine at the gym without carefully reading the full guidelines can lead to injury, cramps, and severe muscle pain. So don’t act all smartypants and imitate others. Read the instructions or ask a professional.

#2 Don’t overwork your body

Overworking your body and spending hours at the gym can also cause you an injury. It’s better to start with just one hour, doing 3-4 exercises, and each day you can add a bit more.

#3 Don’t lift heavy weights

Lifting heavy weights on your first day at the gym can cause joint damage, spinal injuries, and in some cases, it can lead to tearing a heart artery, which could result in death.

Instead, start lifting lightweight dumbbells until your body gets used to this kind of exercise, and then you can gradually begin lifting heavier weights.

Either way, don’t let anything stop you from moving it. It’s never too late to start, so better make this a new year’s resolution and start working out for the summer bod!