Renowned Egyptian footballer Amr Warda has been under fire for a few days now for online harassment accusations, resulting in his exclusion from the Egyptian national team. The decision was taken by the Union Board of Football Directors, headed by Hany Abo Reda. As a result of Warda’s recent inappropriate behaviour, he won’t be playing at the AFCON 2019.

The hashtag #Amr_Warda has been trending on Twitter for quite some time now, and every day another woman comes out leaking sexts he’s sent on WhatsApp or Instagram. “I show you and you show me,” read one of the claimed screenshots that went viral. People also leaked a very disturbing sexual video claiming to be his.

This all kept coming after model, Merhan Keller, accused him of harassing her on Instagram. Shortly, Ehab Leheta, the national team’s director, told Time Sport that the players’ phones would be confiscated, and didn’t deny the allegations. However, Leheta then said that they decided not to confiscate anything.

According to RT, Warda released a statement to respond to Merhan’s incident. He said that the last time he spoke to the model was three months ago. “The conversation between Merhan and me was in a respectful manner, and I didn’t cross the line with her as she claimed. My full concentration right now is on the AFCON matches and winning the cup”, Warda stated.

Unfortunately, this is not Warda’s first scandal to surface. He was also thrown out of from the national team’s camp in a hotel in Tunisia. This was a result of him breaking into a hotel room and assaulting a French woman.

Additionally, PAOK Greek Football Club expelled Warda from the team, back in 2017, because of his inappropriate behaviour.

Last but not least, he also made headlines in the same year when he was accused of sexually harassing two of his colleagues’ wives at the Portuguese football club, Feirense. 

Egyptians are still raging about the leaks as we’re writing this, saying that he doesn’t even deserve to be on the national football team. Meanwhile, others are still rooting for him, claiming that he’s innocent.


By Yara Tarek