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Is it possible to work less and play more? Believe it or not, yes, it is possible as long as you manage your time effectively. That’s why we put together five effective tips that can help you be more productive, energetic, and successful.

#1 Create a time audit

Track your time by creating a time audit to help you carefully understand what you spend your precious hours on. This way, you can control your time and do more things during your day.

#2 Set realistic goals

It’s vital to set attainable goals. Set short-term goals, then write down how you plan to achieve them, and measure the time needed to do so.

#3 Put time limits

The time we spend on each task can ruin our whole schedule if it takes longer than expected. To save yourself the pain, better set a timer for each job.

#4 Prioritise your tasks

Complete your tasks in order of priority. Create a schedule and mark your tasks as urgent, important but not urgent, and not urgent. This way, you’ll know what matters the most, and you’ll meet your deadlines.

#5 Take breaks

Working for too long will exhaust you and lead to unwanted stress. Taking a break can effectively refresh your mind, boost your energy, and make you more creative.


#CGTip: It’s never too late to get a planner. Make sure to check out our top picks for 2020