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Going heat-free is not just a trend to follow for a while; it’s a lifestyle that requires commitment to get the desired results. If you’ve finally made your decision and want to see results that’ll satisfy you, there are some things you need to bear in mind first.

#1 Stopping heat for just one week is not enough. Don’t expect your curls to be back bouncier than ever all of a sudden; it’s a process that requires a lot of time and effort.

#2 Don’t expect others’ hair routine to work for you, even if you have the same hair type. In fact, you must try a lot of methods until you find the one that suits you the best. It’s all a matter of trial and error.

#3 If your hair is not naturally curly, don’t expect to be. Wavy is more attainable in this case.

#4 Don’t use heat at all; not even occasionally.

#5 Prepare your wallets because hair products will cost you a fortune.

We know the journey of bringing life back to your damaged hair is a tough, long one. So, no matter what, don’t give up and be persistent.