Via Whish Beauty

No matter how cool your tan lines look, sometimes you lose interest when you’re back in the city and away from all the sand. If this is the case, we can help you get back to your natural skin tone.

However, let us tell you something before we guide you into that sturdy mission, the truly best way to lighten your skin is to avoid getting a tan in the first place. Protect your skin from damaging UV rays with proper sun protection. So, always wear a hat, sun protective clothing, and sunscreen when outside.

Also, keep in mind that sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours. On the other hand, if the damage is already done, there’s no need to regret good times. So allow us to tell you how to un-tan yourself!

1-     Exfoliation (or peeling creams)

Gently exfoliating using a homemade or store-bought scrub can help lighten your skin tone by removing the dead skin cells on the surface. Just remember to stay out of the sun after you exfoliate. Sun protection can be provided by dead skin cells. When you scrub them off, you become more vulnerable to sunburn, tanning, and skin damage.

Via Bushbalm

2-     Aloe vera

This sunburn salve is more than just a potent anti-inflammatory skin soother. A study discovered that aloe vera may decrease melanin release and diminish pigmentation. It’ll be a great way to moisturise as well!

Via Medical News Today

3-     Turmeric

This bright yellow spice has long been used as a skin lightener in India. While it has not been proven to lighten the skin visibly, turmeric may increase the moisture and natural protective oils of the skin. However, be careful as turmeric may turn your face (and pretty much everything else, including your clothes and counter) yellow.

To remove turmeric residue and minimise its stains, use a face wash or makeup remover soon after a turmeric mask or topical application.

Via Very Well Health

4-     Skin-lightening products

Many skin-lightening lotions and procedures are now available without a prescription. Choose one that has any of the following ingredients: Vitamin C, glycolic acid, kojic acid, or azelaic acid. By exfoliating the skin and encouraging new cell growth, these active substances can help lighten an existing tan or dark patches. Some of these products can also help inhibit melanin formation, which can help prevent or decrease dark spots.

To avoid irritation or other adverse effects, use only one product containing a single active component at a time. Also, many of these treatments should only be used with the approval of a dermatologist, so make sure to check first.

Via Parents Talks

What to avoid when minimising a tan

Although lemons are touted as the most common home treatment for removing a tan, they should not be used on the skin when they’re undiluted. There is no evidence that lemon juice or citrus acid lightens the skin or lowers melanin formation. Lemon juice or lemon slices can help eliminate dead skin, but they can also be unpleasant.

If administered topically, lemon juice should always be diluted and properly wiped off. Going out in the sun with lemon or other citrus juice on your skin, even if you try to wash it off, can aggravate irritation and even result in chemical burns. This is because the juice induces a chemical reaction in your skin that makes it more susceptible to UV rays. So, just use lemonade to quench your thirst, not your skin!

Via Freepik