Recently, the international Oriental-Egyptian restaurant, Zooba, announced on Facebook that they will be going plastic-free and removing all fridges from their branches in the capital.

While the decision came as a surprise for many, people can’t help but support their actions. As Zooba put it in their post, they are doing this to go green. By removing the fridges, and therefore emissions harmful to the environment, they will help in saving the climate, even if on a small scale. Also, this move will benefit the customers as they will be given fresh meals each day.

They also reported that their fridges contribute to the use of 350,000 plastic bottles annually, and with such a decision they will be saving the environment from even more plastic waste.

Having their branches 100% free of plastic is no easy decision, due to the limited number of alternatives they have. Regardless, they are encouraging the community to help them develop their practice and vision for the environment by sending them suggestions at