His simple yet compelling style of writing has made him a favourite author for the youth of today. Yes, we’re talking about Dr Mohamed Taha. The published author might have only written three books, but he’s grown in popularity in a very short period of time. 

The three books by the writer, thinker, and psychiatry professor, Dr Mohamed Taha are 3elakat Khatera, La2 B Ta3m El Felamnco, and El Khroog 3an El Nas. They achieved massive success right after they were published, and were among best-selling books for a long time. So, if you’re looking for a new read, then Taha’s books are highly recommended.

#1 El Khorog 3an El Nass

In this book, Dr Taha offers us a mirror to see the true versions of ourselves. It’s an invitation to accept our flaws and step outside our comfort zones. El Khoroog 3an El Nass got a rating of 3.61 out of 5 on Good Reads.

#2 3elakat Khatera

One of the most confusing dilemmas in human relationships is the eternal conflict between a mind and a heart and having to choose whether to give up on toxic relationships or to settle for less than what we deserve. 3elakat Khatera is an ultimate guide that puts bold lines for us to control every relationship in our lives. 3elakat Khatera got a rating of 3.84 out of 5 on Good Reads.

#3 La2 B Ta3m El Flamenco

What is the price of change? This book is all about the process of change; why do you need to change, what will be the cost, what are your fears, and what are the steps you should take? La2 B Ta3m El Flamenco is the third and latest book from Dr Taha and got a rating of 4.03 out of 5 on Good Reads.

Have you read any of Dr Taha’s books before? Make sure to let us know what you think in the comments.