Egyptian satirist, Bassem Youssef, is set to take part in a stand-up show on May 3rd in Washington, DC organised by prominent Arab-American comedian, Mo Amer.

Legally Homeless will see Youssef share stage-time with some of the biggest Arab/Muslim-American funnymen, including Hasan Minhaj from The Daily Show, TV actor, Ramy Youssef, and more, on a night that will also see rapper, Brother Ali, spit a few bars, so to speak.

Taking place at Warner Theater, a portion of all proceeds will go to supporting refugee communities and the homeless in the the US.

Amer is something of a comedy veteran, having started performing in Texas from the age of 14. The Kuwait-born Palestinian is best known for being part of comedy trio, Allah Made Me Funny, alongside Azhar Usman and Bryant 'Preacher' Moss, and has also regularly opened for comedy giant, Dave Chapelle.

For more information, click here.