Via Twitter

Do you ever go to a restaurant and immediately become embarrassed because the name of the item you want to order is insanely bizarre? This has happened to you at least once, we’re sure, because Egyptian restaurant menus usually give their items unusual names—especially if it’s a burger! We understand this is all for creativity, but sometimes this just makes us uncomfortable.

This was the case when a fellow Egyptian Twitter user tweeted that he was embarrassed to order the Juicy Lucy burger with Shakira Fries. To him, it felt like he was in a nightclub, not a fast food joint! He also requested that restaurants give normal names that fit their menu items, and, honestly, we second that.

Someone replied that he has always wanted to try the “Viagra” sandwich, as it contains a mixture of different seafood, but was always too shy to order it, which isn’t that surprising given the name. The fact that certain kinds of seafood are touted for being aphrodisiacs isn’t enough of a reason to call this sandwich a ‘Viagra’ sandwich. You can market your meals differently!

On the other hand, a user suggested that the person who shared the tweet should’ve washed down the meal with a “sex on the beach” cocktail! We certainly can’t say the irony was at all subtle.

Another tweeter replied to this tweet, saying that he knows a juice shop that sells coconut vanilla juice under the name of “Rad’et Al-Asd”. We highly doubt that lions have anything to do with this drink, and seriously, why would anyone want to try something with that name?