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Slang changes rather quickly, doesn’t it? With the introduction of words like “grin”, “woke”, and other Gen Z catchphrases, it’s hard to not get confused. What’s even harder, though, is knowing what these words mean to Egyptians.

See, in our very unique culture, we use some English slang words like “simp” in different contexts than they’re were meant for, which can get really confusing when we try to trace the original meaning of the words so we can use them properly!

With “simp” making its words, it naturally reached the Twitter landscape…which means we’ll now get to watch this word making all tweeters go through topsy-turvy loops to figure out when it actually use it!

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Here’s a quick fact about ‘simp’. Culturally speaking, this word was used to describe anyone who acts slightly foolish but then, of course, it took an extremely offensive turn. It became a slang used for men who get too involved with women. Not because they really care, but because they just want to potentially get into intimate relationships with these women.

Now, we know it can get a bit tricky, when you’re figuring out what the genuine intentions are behind someone’s words. See, that tends to raise a lot of questions that are proper yet too puzzling.

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This kind of mayhem leads to some TERIFFYING overgeneralizations about males that may seem just a tad unfair!

While some people used their Twitter accounts to explain the word’s correct context, others just dedicated their time to casting judgments on people who argue about the word’s usage in the first place. Who really knows a person’s intentions, though?

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Here’s yet another Tweet about someone who has some serious concerns about the meaning of the word “simp”, but you know what? We think they’re perfectly valid!